Speaking Your Truth

Loving and healthy communication is important in protecting your personal power and energy.  Not speaking up for yourself results in giving your energetic power away to the person you’re holding back from.  Many people have fears around confrontation, but communication does not have to mean confrontation.  When we communicate with someone coming from a place of love and peace, it’s less likely to start an uproar. 

When we think about having an open dialogue with someone we are having issues with, we can become expert catastrophizers and play out the worst case scenario before we’ve even tried to have the communication.  If you give the communication a go, you’ll most likely find that the false fear and anxiety you created in your head is far worse than the communication attempt you’ve been resisting. 
Speaking your truth with love is safe.  Use your own voice and your own power to assert yourself in a kind, loving manner.  You need to be open to being vulnerable and saying what you need to say through eyes of love.  It’s not worth allowing negativity, frustration, disappointment, hurt feelings, etc. drive a wedge between you and another person you care about. 

Think of someone in your life that you need to speak your truth with.  What is it you need to get off your chest and tell this person?

If you aren’t in a place to speak with this person, I suggest you write a letter to them even if you don’t mail it.  Get all the emotions out that you need to.  Shred it, throw it away or burn it if you’re not going to send it.  Even moving the issues out of your body and onto paper will help shift the energy.