People Pleasing

We are talking People pleasing today! Putting on a mask to behave in a manner that’s not true to yourself for the sole purpose of pleasing someone else, getting their approval or being accepted by them is harmful to you on several levels.  You have a particular set of needs and wants, as well as, a unique personality that’s mean to shine.  When you focus your energy on meeting the needs of others at a detriment to your own needs, you’re not honoring or respecting yourself.  You need to be true to yourself and not a puppet at the mercy of whoever you’re seeking to impress.

When you’re changing yourself to fit into the cookie cutter of someone else, who are you really?  Are you living your life on your terms or are you living a façade for the sake of someone else that doesn’t feel good?  It’s important that you be true to yourself and what you want out of your own life experiences.  You’re the only person capable of discovering your true, authentic self.

Chances are, you were raised to put your own needs last making sure everyone else was taken care of before you.  The bottom line is that you aren’t responsible to make everyone else comfortable and happy.  That’s your own responsibility to yourself just as it’s their responsibility to themselves.  Focusing so much on being of service and benefiting others comes as a detriment to yourself and those closest to you.  Your happiness is the most important because when you’re happy it radiates to everyone around you with the ripple effect.  You can brighten someone else’s day by shining your brightest.  It’s not selfish to put yourself as a priority even if you have children.  When you take care of yourself and your needs, you are able to give your all to those counting on you.  When you put yourself last, if at all, you don’t have all the love and energy you’re capable of giving to others. 

What are some personal needs you’ve been putting off so you can focus on the needs of others?
What are some things you can do to meet those needs starting today?