Common Keto Mistakes 1-6

Cutting Carbohydrates Too Quickly – For most people going cold turkey down to 20g net carbs or less isn’t a big shock to their system.  However, a select few experience headaches and fatigue.  These can be experienced by anyone starting Keto, but if they’re unbearable after a few days it may be best to slow carb your way into Keto.  Let’s say you’re currently consuming 300g of carbohydrates.  You can cut that down to 150g per day for a few days to a week, then 75g, then 40g, and ultimately 20g net carbs per day. 

Looking to Keto for a Quick Fix – Keto works as long as it’s consistent as a lifestyle change.  The fat you lose can be put back on just as quick as you take it off, if not quicker if you aren’t in control of your nutrition, exercise, and emotional fitness.

Inadequate Hydration – Women need 96 ounces of water per day when doing Keto.  Men need 128 ounces per day.  One role carbs play in the body is to store water.  When they’re limited or restricted, the water that would normally be stored is excreted in the urine.  Ensuring you’ve got adequate hydration helps keep your stomach full and flush fat from your body.

Inadequate Sodium Intake – Electrolytes are excreted in the urine.  To ensure that you’re getting the proper amount of hydration and not in the bathroom every 20 minutes, you can add Himilayan Pink Salt and Potassium Chloride to your water.  The maximum recommendation is up to 4 tsp of each.  I suggest starting with a lower amount and increasing as tolerated because too much can cause diarrhea.  You can also use Himilayan Pink Salt or Sea Salt on your foods to increase your intake.  Bone broth, chicken or beef stock or bouillon cubes can also be helpful.  Inadequate sodium, magnesium, and postassium intake can result in symptoms of Keto Flu and muscle cramps. 

Comparing Yourself to Others – Each and every one of us is different in mind, body, and spirit.  Some of us have more fat to lose than others.  Some of us have hormonal imbalances.  Some people are more disciplined and focused.  Some people enjoy exercise and incorporate it into their lifestyle and some don’t.  Personal stress levels play a key role in how fast fat is lost.  Those with metabolic disease will lose at a different rate than those who don’t.  If a person has limiting beliefs or emotional blocks it will affect the rate at which they lose fat.  We are not on an equal playing field and comparisons to others will only leave you with negative feelings such as you are not good enough.

Improper Macros – Most trackers provide reasonably accurate macros, but I find that most call for more protein than necessary for individuals who are not engaging in regular physical activity 3-5 times per week such as heavy lifting, steady state cardio in the fat burning range or HIIT.  You’ll need to ensure an accurate caloric deficit percentage as well.